Tag: Springfield PA

DUI Attorneys Serving Springfield PA Get Results

It’s the height of the summer season and police departments are out in full force looking for drivers who may be impaired as a result of drugs or alcohol. DUI Checkpoints, roving patrols, you name it! Police departments in Springfield PA, Morton PA, Clifton Heights PA and Swarthmore have increased enforcement several weekends so far […]

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Did I really operate a car under the influence of alcohol? Breathylzer Questioned.

A recent Dauphin County DUI trial has called into question the reliability of the widely used breathalyzer device, the Intoxilyzer 5000.  The device, commonly used by Pennsylvania State Police, is used to measure the blood alcohol content from an individual’s breath. Pennsylvania currently has a three tier system with respect to DUI charges.  The legal limit for […]

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Theft and Burglary Charges in Delaware County PA

If you have been charged with burglary or theft in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. chances are people are treating you differently. In fact, chances are people are already treating you like a convicted criminal. At Giribaldi & Manaras, PC, we treat all clients equally…like people. Some folks we take on as clients are wrongly accused and […]

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