Tag: DUI Lawyer

2012 PA Traffic Stats- Have a Look!

Exactly how dangerous is it  out there on the roads? We thought you would never ask. We have some answers courtesy of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: In 2012, 404 people died in alcohol-related crashes. 90% of the alcohol-related occupant deaths (drivers and passengers) were in the vehicle driven by the drinking driver; 74% were […]

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National DUI Crackdown Ends AFTER Labor Day

It’s not necessarily news that local and state police departments have been ratcheting up DUI enforcement over the past several years. What’s more is that their efforts have yielded results in the form of lower fatalities as compared to the rates seen as recently as ten years ago. Specifically. this year’s high enforcement period which […]

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Do DUI Checkpoints Actually Make Pennsylvanians Safer?

It is a question we all ask ourselves eventually. In the current climate of increasing taxes, larger police forces and expanding DUI checkpoints and roving patrols, we all tend to wonder what we are getting out of the deal. It has been alleged that traffic and speeding tickets are simply a vehicle for police departments […]

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