Tag: aston

Delaware County PA Family Law Attorneys

If you live in Delaware County and are going through a divorce or have another family law concern, you want an honest attorney who will explain your rights and what you can expect from the process. At Giribaldi & Manaras, P.C., we are committed to helping you achieve a fair and equitable solution to your divorce, child […]

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Memorial day is recognized as the unofficial beginning of summer. Most people willl celebrate the holiday by traveling to the shore and to the mountains. During this holiday, police departments increase their patrol and initiate many DUI checkpoint. It is very important that if one drinks during memorial day one should not drive. It is also important that […]

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In DUI arrests, where the crime lab reports make up the bulk of the evidence against the accused, any mistake or miscalibration by the lab technician threatens many people with false DUI convictions. The problem is becoming rampant and widespread. Recently THREE TRACE-evidence technicians have flunked a routine test administered to uphold the Philadelphia Police Department crime lab’s accreditation. […]

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