Category: law firm

Happy 4th of July from Giribaldi & Manaras, PC

It’s bananas that 2014 is already halfway over! As we reach the halfway point of the year, we would like to hank all of our clients and friends for trusting us to represent their legal needs. We have had an explosion of overwhelming successes in the courtroom and at the negotiating table as of late […]

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Supreme Court Rules Police Need a Warrant to Search Cell Phones

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court ruled that police officers need a warrant to search through the data on the cell phone of a suspect. Currently, officers can go through pockets and sift through such items as wallets, cigarette packs and wads of paper. However, the court ruled unanimously that cell phones are a completely different […]

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Giribaldi & Manaras succesfull again at dismissing theft charges against a Delaware County client

The facts surrounding our client’s arrest stem from a theft from a store in Delaware County. According to the Affidavit of Probable Cause, our client was seen taking various items from the store without paying for them. During cross examination, Alex Giribaldi, partner at Giribaldi & Manaras, was able to establish that the version from the store officer […]

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